Friday 19 July 2024


The golden rule when you face a crisis of any sort is to allay fears of those concerned, including you, the leader. Fear kills more than bullets. Mr. President Sir, get on TV and radio and reassure Nigerians that you are on top of the situation. It's not a long speech at all: max 5 minutes. Translate the speech into as many local languages as possible. Let the governors and parliamentarians do the same to percolate to the grassroots.

2. in that speech, plead for more understanding. And tell Nigerians you will address them again, in four weeks latest, on measures to address the situation.Reassure them that you will tackle the situation decisively. Take the advice I will give you here to your Cabinet and National Council of State so they can make inputs and perfect them. 

3. Announce cuts in government expenditure esp.  Lifestyle of political leaders. Sir, don't you wonder how Nigerians who bear these "unbearable" inflation survive? It's not rocket science, Mr. President. The first rule under hyper-inflation is to go back to that rudimentary Economics we learned in the secondary school: Scarcity...Scale of Preference... Choices... Opportunity Cost. 
Excuse me sir, this present crisis doesn't need economic experts to solve. We only need to apply that common sense that has been made so difficult!
(a) Prices are soaring because of scarcity. 
(b) So, our money cannot buy all the things we used to buy.(c) We now have to make a scale of preference. We need the things we need (not want) on a scale of preference. Non-essential things are off that list right away!(d) We now make choices (priorities) purchases within that scale. This means that even not all the items that make that scale will make it in our Naira allocation. (e) We now increase our earning to cover those items on that scale (remember they are essential) but even essential things vary in terms how essential. Some can tarry for a while.

Summary: When in hyperinflation, don't panic. Panic will complicate the problem. And may even kill you. Smile broadly. Then, Think. Plan. Be honest. Have that will power.Eh sir. That is how we have been surviving . Every poor, even illiterate Nigerian family heads; this is what they have been doing sir. They may not know any economic terms, but that's what they do.And I am writing here, as a social crusader  with common sense, is for you as the Head of the Nigerian Household Economy, just do the above.Expenditure saved is income earned. It starts from. You Mr. President 
That moves us to the short term.

SHORT TERM (After  one year )

1. Stop all new civil projects at the federal level for the rest of the year. Advice states to do the same. Divert money saved to agriculture.  It takes between 3 to eight months for most food crops in Nigeria to be ripe for harvest. Thank God the food crisis is happening at the very beginning of the agric season. And  sir,a farmer that doesn't plant at the beginning of the farming season, won't  reap anything at harvest time. That's what Adam Smith meant in his Theory of Factors of Production. It doesn't need PhD to understand and apply sir. 

2. Continue funding of already approved civil projects so that real income will not shrink in the blue collar sector. Do mostly direct labour so income can circulate to Nigerians 
3. Import strategic food e.g. rice, beans, tomatoes, pepper, groundnut oil, etc. There is no shame in this sir. It's food first in the hierarchy of needs. Whatever it will take in the short run, make food available to Nigerians. Don't go into who caused the food problem, for now. Ebi kii wo inu, ki nkan mii o wobe sir. (A hungry person will not listen to any other thing except you give him or her food). The dead don't eat food.

4. NNPCL  to start pushing locally refined petrol (and diesel for the real sector). Meanwhile give NNPCL dollar at controlled rate to import fuel. Call it subsidy or whatever name, if you like. Peg sales to controlled prices and monitor ruthlessly. We are in serious crisis. Be ruthless sir. Some people have said you can fast track Dangote . Anyhow. Just make fuel available sir. Again, Adam Smith! Production!

5. Identify growers of major foodstuff and support them directly through state governments

6. Release CBN probe report and Government paper. Eh sir, you are wasting too must time on this.

1. Probe the banking sector and follow up with an enabling law to jail culprits. Trial should be through Tribunals, not courts. Trial should be statute barred so that in 10 months, the Supreme Court can give final judgments. From Tribunal to Appeal Court to Supreme Court! Eh sir! I know many of them are your paddy. They have had enough, sir. Tell them "O to ge". (It's enough). They will understand, if they are honest. They have bed Nigerian for too long. Nigerian must not die in your hand. (Sing Sonny Okosuns hit track them "Which way Nigeria...Let's  save Nigeria. So Nigeria won't die

2. Start Civil Servants Miscellaneous Offences Tribunal to jail corrupt civil servants. Like the bankers, the civil servants will also understand. Those doing the damage in the system are not more than 2 per cent of civil servants! You know this Mr. President.

3. Rejig the National. Food Policy to plan how we can be food sufficient. Eh sir, we have not being able to feed ourselves in Nigeria. Bible says a man not able to feed his family or household is not fit to head that family. It means if you are president and the nation is not self-sufficient in food production (not food importation), then you are not fit to be president, sir. I am not the one saying so sir. It's God, because you are the Head of this Household called Nigeria now by His grace. God has blessed us too much. What we cannot grow in Nigeria does not exist!

4. License new agric banks (at least 10 of them) facing agriculture funding squarely). They must be operational before the end of this year nationwide. To hell with all these criminal banks. , license at least 50 small medium industry banks and 50 agriculture micro finance banks to start operations before December 2024. Commercial farming should be the goal here. They must be monitored to stay within their portfolios.

5. Make 40 modular refineries strategically located nationwide to be operational. State and local governments can save 50 per cent of their allocations for four months to own not more than 20 per cent equity in these small refineries within their states. This will not only solve the petrol problem on time but also serve as IGR for them in the near future.

LONG TERM (2  years and above)

1. Sustain medium-term policies highlighted above. In strategic road mapping, execution is key sir.(2.) Resume civil works in the public sector to create employment and incomes. (3). Start agro processing for exports. No export of raw agriculture products again (4). Rejig all Federal Universities of Agric to face agriculture or scrap them.  State governments should start Universities of Agric. A state like Ogun with excess varsities and polytechnics should covert quite a number of them to Agric varsities with emphasis on practical training. All polytechnics should be converted to technical Universities to work out how to manufacture so many things that we import, preparatory to banning their importation. Local industry cannot survive if we don't ban these imports.
Eh sir! Adam Smith is turning in his grave, cursing Nigeria. We are poor because we do not produce, our taste is strictly for what we don't produce!! Anything. We can never be rich like that, unless we go into banking, politics or Religion! Each time Nigerian Customs says it's made billions of Naira, I cry. They should make income from excise income, (exports) not imports. Imports increase the need for dollars! Exports bring in dollars! Common sense nah.

(6.)Ban frivolous imports. Notice should have been given right now that in 12 months, these useless imports "are gone." They are the "subsidies" that must be "gone", not the one on petrol. In the real sense, Mr. President, you actually "subsidize" these frivolous items (toothpick, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc. name it. Enter any Supermarket or market, 80 per cent of goods there are bought with dollars. So, when dollar goes up, the prices must go up". Eh sir, ban them! Don’t follow Reno Omokri's lame advice that Nigerians should boycott imported goods. Omokri lives abroad.  We here can only buy what we see. Enabling laws are needed here, so that if you display banned commodities, you go to jail. Please expand this for effective implementation of these laws.

(7.) My President, I have not suggested Price Controls.  They don’t work. I am a practical person. I am driven by theories driven by research. There is no economic theory bigger than the Theory of Demand and Supply. So, do not waste time and money setting up price Controls? The moment supply exceeds demand, prices will crash. And when we have excess food, we store, process and export to countries like Niger, Mali. We export to USA and UK. Check out the foodstuff prices in the UK. They are high sir. We can make good dollars and pounds exporting food to them there sir.

Finally sir, execution is important.  Our problem has always been lack of executive will, not lack of ideas. I have never been scared of any crisis in my life. As the crisis is brewing, God is already giving me ideas to tackle it.And it's so for most Nigerians at household levels.

See Mr. President, this economic crisis is no big deal if you want to tackle it. I swear. There is no need for any economic wizardry. We need just common sense and discipline or willpower. It's the same way we manage our household income. It's the same way my students are managing their incomes and expenditures! My students are fine! They are not happy, but they are fine. They are still making their hairs and coming to classes! But many of them have reduced what they eat and how many times they beat daily... Me too, I no longer fry eggs. I boil them.

That way I save money on groundnut oil, salt, gas, onion and pepper. And if yam is not careful, I will ban it, like I did bread. No food is bigger than me in my household. I call the shots. Meat is only fir my daughter now. At over 50, I don't need meat. I take fish. Local fish. Not imported fish It's only our government and national assembly that have refused to change. They still use uncommon sense. Every household in Nigeria is applying the common sense. Eh sir, 

Economics is common sense made difficult!
Thank you for taking these actions, Mr. President.
Your patriotic subject,
Olufemi Samson Aduwo 
Permanent Representative. 
Of CCDI to ECOSOC/United Nations

Tuesday 20 February 2024


President Bola Tinubu


1. The golden rule when facing any crisis is to allay fears. Mr. President, reassure Nigerians via TV and radio in a brief 5-minute speech, translated into local languages by governors and parliamentarians.

2. Plead for understanding in the speech, promising further updates in four weeks. Announce cuts in government expenditure, emphasizing the need for basic economic principles to address hyperinflation.

3. Outline a strategy for essential spending prioritization. Emphasize the need for common-sense measures to navigate hyperinflation. Expenditure saved is income earned.

SHORT TERM (Next six months)

1. Halt new civil projects, advising states to do the same. Redirect saved funds to agriculture for a timely harvest.

2. Continue funding approved civil projects, promoting direct labor to circulate income.

3. Import strategic food items and support local growers through state governments.

4. NNPCL should push locally refined petrol, importing fuel if needed. Monitor prices ruthlessly to address the fuel crisis.

5. Identify major food growers and support them directly through state governments.

6. Release CBN probe report promptly.


1. Probe the banking sector with an enabling law for trials through Tribunals.

2. Establish a Civil Servants Miscellaneous Offences Tribunal to address corruption in the civil service.

3. Revise the National Food Policy to achieve food self-sufficiency.

4. License new agric banks and small-medium industry banks, emphasizing commercial farming goals.

5. Establish 40 modular refineries strategically, involving state and local governments.

LONG TERM (one year and above)

1. Sustain medium-term policies.

2. Resume civil works for employment and income generation.

3. Initiate agro-processing for exports.

4. Reevaluate Federal Universities of Agric and promote state-owned Agric varsities and technical universities.

5. Ban frivolous imports to strengthen the economy.

6. Avoid price controls; rely on the Theory of Demand and Supply. Focus on exporting excess food to generate foreign income.

In conclusion, execution is crucial. The crisis can be managed with common sense, discipline, and willpower. Thank you for your actions, Mr. President.

Your patriotic subject,
Olufemi Samson Aduwo (OSA)

Tuesday 12 December 2023


The American system of federal government, which we have adopted, offers a great lesson of how a people of different origins, religions, customary and culture can live together as a nation governed by written constitution. The federation of America was the coming together of existing states, which voluntarily yielded some of their powers to the union for the benefit of the generality of the union. An essential element of the federation is that the union had no power over the states in matters not specifically yielded by the states to the union. Between 1776 and September 17, 1787 when the completed constitution was signed by 39 of the 42 delegates, there were long and arduous debates and comparisons. 

The constitution was finally adopted on June 21, 1788. “We the people of the United States in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, unsure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of America.”   From the foregoing, it is clear beyond doubt that Nigeria started the other way round; first the area now known as Nigeria consisted of over 400 nationalities. The British decided arbitrarily to call the area Nigeria. Originally, it was ruled as two countries, later as a unitary government, later again as three powerful regions and a weak centre and subsequently, the military fragmented it into unviable states and rules for over 30years as a federal government in name but in a unitary government defacto.
As a young school teacher, Alhaji Sheu Shagari (who was to later emerge as the first Executive President (1979 – 83) had in 1948 written strongly against the amalgamation. Sir Ahamdu Bellow as quoted as saying that “amalgamation process” was a “mistake of 1914” in his book on “Nigeria” the German author Walter Schwarz had quoted Sir Ahmadu Bellow the Sarduna of Sokoto as saying, “I would rather be called Sultan of Sokoto than President of Nigeria”. The sage, Chief Awolowo held in 1947 that Nigeria was just a geographical expression, should not have come as a surprise. Nigeria by that time had only been a state for about 34 years, in the annals of state building, it needs more than even a century to develop sense of statehood and to transform a state into nation.   In fact as at 7th century, England was made up of the Independent states of Cornwall, Kent, Wessex, Essex, Sussex, Mercia etc. The area later undergone forceful amalgamation. In the last 100 years, the map of Europe has been drawn and redrawn several times. The first major re-drawing was in 1918 after the First World War. It involved forceful mergers and forceful dissolution of about 15 states it was followed in 1945 by another re-drawing of the map which again led to the disappearance of some states.

It was then followed in 1991 by another re-drawing of the map which led to the disappearance of the Soviet Union and Eastern Germany and the re-mergence of Russia, Ukraine, Moldova, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, etc. Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia disappeared and emergence of Slovenia, Macedonia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Croatia, Czech and Slovakia respectively. In other words within spate of 105 years Europe has witnessed not one but several massive nationality revolutions which Africa has not experienced since the Treaty of Berlin in 1884.   We have lived together in a country as Nigerians for more than  hundred years either by accident or otherwise. I believe that nobody in his right sense ought to call for the break up of the country. The situation can be likened to a marriage between two adults in which both parties are not comfortable with the association yet neither party wants it to break up because of the children they have raised. We also do not want the labour of our heroes past and present to be in vain, but only on one condition. The people’s wishes should be allowed to be openly debated and adopted into their own constitution being the organic law that control and moderate socio-economic and political structures of the federation.   Our forefathers like their counterpart in United States foreseen all these and spent many years deliberating on a people’s constitution that would accommodate the nation’s diversity. They came up with 1960 constitution which was later substituted with 1963 constitution. Under the 1963 constitution, the federal government was entitled to pay to each region a sum equal to fifty per cent of the proceeds of mining rents and royalty in respect of minerals derived from each region. The federal government was obliged to credit to the Distributable Pool Account 30percent of the proceeds of the royalty and mining rent received by the federal government after it had given 50 percent to the producing region.

The federal government was only entitled to keep to itself only 20 percent. It was the 30 percent left in the Distributable Pool Account that was shared in the following manner: Northern Nigeria - about 40 percent, Eastern Nigeria – about 31 percent, Western Nigeria – about 18 percent, Mid Western Nigerian – about 6 percent. The system of derivation therefore encouraged healthy competition and consequential growth of the economy. Each region was assured that it was entitled, as of right, to about half of the entire proceeds of its region and also a further part constituting its own share from the Distributable Pool.   With the advent of the military which , the federal structure was dismantled and discarded in preference for the military imposed “unitary system”. The revenue allocation system was also destroyed and the military controlled all the resources of the federation centrally. What Gen. Gowon did as an exigency of war later become permanent. Subsequent governments after Gowon’s decided to hold on to it, of course the federal government found allies in. lazy state governors who preferred to be going cap-in-hand to the federal government to collect the pittance tagged statutory allocations monthly.   The question then is whether it would still be reasonable to apply the 1963 formula where the derivative regions/states would keep about fifty percent of the entire nation’s wealth, while it would not be reasonable in the light of today’s reality, to give as much as 50 percent states, it would be reasonable to give to the states sufficient percentage and other relief options to enable them take care of their environment. The communities should be empowered to exercise ownership of their land. The government should review the land use Act. Mining and exploration activities should involve the government and communities.   In 1994 federal government replaced sale tax which was administered (collected) by state governments. Initially, the state governments were made to believe that they would receive 80 percent of the VAT collected by the FG in their respective states with 20 percent accruing to the FG as cost of administration and collection. But FG quickly inverted this to be 80 percent to itself and 20 percent for the state governments, it was after much pressure that the FG agreed to revert the formula to 35-35-30 for the FG, SG and LG. Under most federations, VAT (a proxy for sale tax) is administered and collected by state or regional governments (sometimes municipal or local governments, where they have the machinery to do so).Mr.  President should be courageous and reverse this fiscal repression Gen. Abacha introduced.   The ample opportunity to have a semblance of people’s constitution was available during the constitution amendment debate, during President Obasanjo regime . Because of a single item, tenure of office, the legislators out of selfish reasons throw away the opportunity, issues of fiscal federalism, devolution of power were slated among items for amendment. The trouble with some self-acclaimed leaders in this country is that a great deal of ignorance is traded as common sense. During the constitution amendment debate at the Senate floor, we saw the senators turned the hallowed chamber to theatre hall and themselves became quack comedians – you hears such words: my people oh! my people says no to third term, what did their people say on other items slated for the amendment were unknown.   The historic problem in democratic practice is the minority or majority tyranny. It occurs in a democracy when majority fail to listen to the opinions of the minority or when minority refuse to listen to the opinion of majority, then democracy would give way to autocracy. Democracies naturally produce a certain disharmony what is required is not agreement, but agreement to act, that is, a common mind to follow a certain course of action while still admitting differences of opinion. We must listen to contrary arguments and allow reason to prevail. 

The South/South delegation made there position on fiscal federalism known at the floor of National conference. The North delegation err in opposing the brilliant presentation and being adamant that the 13 percent should not be reviewed upward. In 2000 the former Governor of Benue, Akume now the Secretary of the Federation spoke on behalf of the 19 governors from the north after their meeting and opposed the establishment of Niger/Delta Development Commission (NDDC). Sometimes a butterfly imagines itself to be a bird. For example how much Benue or Kano state for example contribute to the federation account, the answer is either nothing or a negligible amount. Yet Kano State has 44 local governments which routinely shared by local councils every month. 

The Kano State Government also partakes in the sharing of the volume of national income available to 36 states and FCT. More than about 88 percent of the money in the federation account is contributed by the nine oil producing states and Lagos. The Lagos contribution comes from custom duties at the Apapa and Tin Can ports, income taxes and VAT.  We must effectively treat the causes rather than symptoms, we must recognise that as important as democracy is, however, defined, it can only deliver stability through social and economic justice. The world is full of multi-national states, which have been huge successes such as Switzerland, Italy, France, Germany, Britain etc and multi-national states, which have been woeful failures such as Yugoslavia, the Soviet Union and Czechoslovakia.

Those have been successful, have been successful because they practice true federalism, with full autonomy to federating units. Those who have failed, have failed because they have failed to practice true federalism. They have run federal states along unitary lines and they have paid dearly for it.The greatest danger to Nigeria unity is the refusal of those who refuse to allow for the restructuring of Nigeria. 

Shakespeare in one of his immortal plays gave this advice to young Hamlet: “This above all, to thy own self be true. And it must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to any man”. Many Nigerian leaders dead or alive were guilty of one of several acts of self-deception. It is an act of self-deception for anyone to argue that there is nothing wrong with the union but we must rebuild the foundation    

Olufemi AduwoPermanent Representative of CCDI to ECOSOC /United Nations Email :olufemi. aduwof@ 
Tel :+2348087047173 

NOTE: Also the President of Centre for Convention On Democratic lntegrity ,a non govermental organisation ,registered in Nigeria& United,with CONSULTATIVE STATUS OF UNITED NATIONS 

Wednesday 1 March 2023


Data transmission is the transfer of data from one digital device to another. Dáta, lnformation or disease are what  could be transmitted. Electoral Act, 2022, section 60(5),says, "The Presiding Officer Shall transfer the results including total number of accredited voters and the results of the ballot in a manner as prescribed by the Commission" Transfer is used in this context of move able materials from one place to another, which is different from transmission as stated in the Electoral Act, 2022 

Section 64 Nigeria Electoral Act 2022:Endorsement on rejected ballot paper without official mark. 

(4) A collation officer or returning officer at an election shall collate and announce the result of an election, subject to his or her verification and confirmation that the –

(a) number of accredited voters stated on the collated result are correct and consistent with the number of accredited voters recorded AND TRANSMITTED directly from polling units under section 47 (2) of this Act;

(b) the votes stated on the collated result are correct and consistent with the votes

or results recorded and TRANSMITTED  directly from polling units under section

60 (4) of this Act.

(5) Subject to subsection (1), a collation officer or returning officer shall use the number of accredited voters recorded and TRANSMITTED directly from polling units under section 47 (2) of this Act and the votes or results recorded and TRANSMITTED directly from polling units under section 60 (4) of this Act to collate and announce the result of an election if a collated result at his or a lower level of collation is not correct.

(6) Where during collation of results, there is a dispute regarding a collated result or the result of an election from any polling unit, the collation officer or returning officer shall use the following to determine the correctness of the disputed result –

(a) the original of the disputed collated result for each polling unit where the

election is disputed;

(b) The smart card reader or other technology device used for accreditation of voters in each polling unit where the election is disputed for the purpose of obtaining accreditation data directly from the smart card reader or technology device;

(c) Data of accreditation recorded and transmitted directly from each polling unit

where the election is disputed as prescribed under section 47 (2) of this Act; and

(d) The votes and result of the election recorded and transmitted directly from

each polling unit where the election is disputed, as prescribed under section 60 (4) of this Act.

Fellow Nigerians, these were the issues, Senator Dino Melaye brought to the attention of Professor Mahmood Yakubu during the collation. Yakubu knew what he did was wrong, but he could not help himself to right the wrong, why, he knows. 

Did INEC TRANSMITTED as stipulated by the Electoral Act, 2022 all the results Yakubu announced at the collation centre Abuja, No. 

YAKUBU must step aside immediately Supreme court made a clear judgment of cancellation and re run in many States across the country. Let the proper thing be done, who so win in Free and fair poll would be accepted. 

Olufemi Aduwo


Center for Conventionon Democratic Integrity & Rights Monitoring Group (CCDI & RMG)


After the Saturday’s presidential/National Assembly election, the fogs are gradually clearing from the atmosphere.The losers and winners are coming to terms with reality.

The moments of wild frenzy, and flexing of muscles have subsided. The period when politicians ride roughshod has come and gone.

But what is certain and likely to last longer with us is the lesson learnt from the results of the election.In Oyo state, the people can see clearly now going by the results of the election as announced by the electoral umpire, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC ).They can at least see beyond the ridges of their noses.

The opposition party in the state, the All Progressive Congress (APC) came with a sweeping victory, clearing all the three senatorial districts and majority of the 14 House of Representatives seats in the state. Out of the 14 seats, People’s Democratic Party (PDP) has four, the All Progressive Congress (APC) eight, while the remaining two seats were declared inconclusive.

As the people illuminate on the result of the election and its implications, one major factor responsible for the victory of the APC in Oyo state is the courageous acts of Governor Seyi Makinde.. This is considered to have had a major impact on the victory recorded by the APC.Governor Makinde’s bravery and ability to stand for justice, fairness and equity spoke volume. Many Nigerians applauded this rear quality as genuine spirit of true statesman. Makinde remains the only governor in the South West who refused to let his political affiliation negate the interest of the region he indigenously hails from.

On many occasions, Governor Makinde reiterated his avowed commitment to stand by the people by electing never to subject his people to slavery.According to him, the accord of the southern governors’ meeting at Asaba, Delta state he stands. He even quoted the northern governors who met and agreed that power should shift to the south as a reference point.

Unlike some Nigerian politicians, whose hirelings, lust and obsessive greed prevent them to seek the good of the society, governor Makinde has toed the right path. Though, he was vilified, harangued and subjected to intense pressure to support the aspirations of Atiku, governor Makinde maintained his calm, refusing to be distracted from pursuing what will bring long term benefits for the people of Oyo state in the next political dispensation and beyond.

Should another Fulani man from the North continue as president after eight years administration of President Mohammadu Buhari? What advantage will Oyo state gain? A yoruba adage says “Teni teni, ti akisa ni a tan”. Meaning that what is yours is yours, rag belongs to the dump.Reminiscent of last Saturday’s poll results in Oyo state, the victory of Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu in Oyo state, is a combination of the ground work of governor Makinde who loves and prioritizes the Southwest region over his political affiliation.

Governor Makinde is a politician worth celebrating; he is someone who lends a voice to the voiceless; who saw evil and refused to shroud it in shawls of lies; he stood for the truth and delivered his state for his kinsman in spite of their political differences.Another point to note is that even though what Makinde did may be considered anti-party by some individuals who see vaguely, it will also be advantageous to the state, as it will make the state connect with the federal government. It will also enhance symbiotic relationship between the two federating units.

Tinubu, a benevolent leader, and democrat must by now have known who are true supporters and friends, those who believe in a united Nigeria and real ‘omoluabi’ ethos. Tinubu should let the world know that he appreciates Governor Seyi Makinde’s courageous acts by giving him a sense of belonging in his government notwithstanding their political differences.

The integrity and passion displayed by Governor Makinde towards ensuring the fulfilment of the agreement of rotation of power to the south remains commendable. Even, if we look at Makinde and what other four Governors are agitating for, it is still centered around equity, fairness and justice which Seyi Makinde stands for. This implies that based on his unique leadership style, he would still have committed to the shifting of power to the South which he signed, no doubt about that.

The results of the election show that Tinubu of the APC won in the state massively with 449,884 votes, defeating Atiku of PDP who got 182,977 votes. Govermor Makinde delivered all the 33 Local Governments to Tinubu. He ensured that he fulfilled the agreements of power shift vigorously.

With this development, there’s no doubt that the government of Seyi Makinde of PDP would have harmonious and good working relationship with the federal government which would be led by Asiwaju Bola Tinubu of the APC, which would be of great benefit to Oyo State.Once again, many political pundits may see the act of Makinde as anti-party activity. May we remind them that the act of patriotism towards the survival of Nigeria, which Makinde has exhibited surpasses any other thing, including political activities.

Governor Makinde of Oyo State 

Since Governor Makinde didn’t see working strategically for APC to ensure its victory at the presidential polls as anti-party, APC should not see it as an act of anti-party to reward a gallantry act for the development of Oyo State and South West.A leader of such a great integrity like Seyi Makinde should be celebrated in Nigeria. He should be regarded as the man of the moment.

Olufemi Aduwo 


Centre For Convention on Democratic lntegrity & Rights Monitoring Group ( CCDI & RMG)